- Carpathian MTB Epic 2019
- Carpathian MTB Epic 2019
- Carpathian MTB Epic 2019
- Carpathian MTB Epic 2019
- Carpathian MTB Epic 2019
- Carpathian MTB Epic 2019
Carpathian MTB Epic
Since the 2020 year started not so strong with sports events slowly everything goes down with the covid19 pandemic and the race was postponed for 2021, let’s hope 2021 will be a safer year for sport. I think all the photographers were hoping to get better by the summer, and personally, I was so excited to go back to the Carpathian mountains to document once again the race in 2020. You can read some articles from riders about how is to ride in Romania Stronger, at the same time do not forget to visit the Carpathian MTB Epic web site and enjoy the videos and pictures. Here are some pictures to make you wish to ride in Romania Carpathians 🙂 To read more about check the INTERNATIONAL MTB MAGAZINE
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